“I am striving to show the uniqueness of nature in all of its’ elegant splendor.”
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Painting in oils for me is mostly about the paint, and the deep rich colors that one can achieve. It's like whipped butter on a palette knife. Free flowing, fun, emotional and exciting. For many years I have focused on the art of color, while being fascinated by the macro world. I developed my own style of macro-impressionism in oil painting and palette knife technique. Each painting is a memorable journey through my imagination that takes me someplace else and then brings me back again! >>
I enjoy an intimate style of design in watercolor and ink, focusing on how one can allow the watercolor pigments to co-mingle on the paper, and in a natural process. These watercolor pieces were approached as meditative studies of the landscape that occurs magically within the watercolor pigments themselves, and were then embraced and highlighted by pen & ink. >>
Charcoal is a magical and mystical medium. And it is more fun and engaging than most people think. I especially like using charcoal for abstracts in nature as it lends itself to the many values and shapes that can be achieved. I focus on the large scale macro drawings in order to connect closely with the obscure and sensitive details. The use of line and individual mark making add an interesting dimension to the medium. >>
In Zenga Waterbrush painting the mystical phrase or Haiku poem is the starting point for the painting. The Zenga Waterbrush art form is a meditation art practice in which powerful spontaneous brushwork arises from an empty mind. The Ink Drawings are painted freehand with ink over watercolor backgrounds for a more expressive approach while creating a type of shadow box effect. >>